6, Issue 2, 2017 |
Autor |
1. Systems to manage the efficiency of public transport of people through
indicators and respective values of good practice
Elena Valentina Dumitru, PhD, Valahia Univerity, Targoviste
Cornel Nitu, PhD, Valahia Univerity, Targoviste
Cornelia Maria Nitu, PhD, Valahia Univerity, Targoviste
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2. A new design of happiness in the context modern worldA new design of happiness in the context modern world.
Constantinescu Eleonora Mihaela
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3. Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems.
Elena Valentina Dumitru, Cornel Nitu, Cornelia Maria Nitu.
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4. Analyzing Costs and Making Decisions by Using the Standard Cost Method within the Enterprises Operating in the Treatment and Coating Metals Industry
Andreea Mihaela SPIROIU (DINU)
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5. The Principles of quality management
Mirela Dogaru, PhD
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6. Accountancy expertise in quantification of patrimonial damage
Petrisor Danut Gruia, PhD
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7. Economic prerequisites of society's well-being
Cristina Balaceanu, PhD,
Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
Daniela Penu, PhD,
Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
Iuliana Barbat,
Ion Barbu Highschool
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ISSN 2360-1973
ISSN-L 2248-3837
