
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015


1. Some considerations of the construction contract
Daniela Ciochina


2. Tax haven implications in financial crime
Daniela Iuliana Radu


3. Cooperation with the International Criminal Court of the European Union
PhD., Judge George Dorel Matei
PhD, Professor Luminita DRAGNE

4. Rethinking the Company’s Potential: A Real Way to Create Competitive Advantage
Lecturer Argentina Velea, PhD
5. Medical higher education and the need to reform the romanian health system
Lecturer Ph.D. Tania Pusa Tapliga

6.The proper factors that determine the risk
Assistant Nicoleta Moise, PhD Student

7.Specific aspects related to the partnership agreement
Assistant Professor, PhD Andreea SEUCAN

8.The representative model of teamwork adapted administrative management theory where leadership is owned exclusively by physician.
Professor Valentina Zaharia PhD
Lecturer I. Donciu PhD
Lecturer M.Dogaru PhD
Asisstant V.Perianu PhD Student


9. The considerations on informational warfare
Associated Professor Agata Popescu PhD
10.The concept of “home” in relation to a professional`s office, according to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
Assistant Professor, PhD Andreea SEUCAN

11.The implementation of scientific management theories and its effects within dentist practice
Assistant C. Ionescu, PhD

12. Analysis of taxation in Romania using Laffer curve, 1990-2012
Scientific Research Elena Pădurean PhD

3. A constructive perspective on the concept of performance according to OMPF 1802/2014
Doina Maria Tilea
Dragos Laurentiu Zaharia
Vasile Bleotu

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ISSN 2360-1973
ISSN-L 2248-3837